Archive for March 2012

SCANDAL did some photo on GiGS Magazine in this past week. And it published at 29th March. Here's...

SCANDAL on GiGS Magazine 2012.03.29

SCANDAL released their BEST ALBUM "SCANDAL SHOW" on 7th March 2012. They giving bonus a photobook...


Artist : UVERworld Title : 7th Trigger Release Date : 2012.03.28 Country : Japan Genre : rock Quality...

UVERworld released a single "7th Trigger"

SCANDAL was already performed at BUDOKAN with title "JAPAN TITLE MATCH : SCANDAL VS BUDOKAN" on...

Japan Title Match SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN Setlist

Name:家入レオ LEO IEIRI Date of Birth:1994.12.13 Place of Birth:福岡 Fukuoka Blood Type:A Motto:凛として花一輪...

A New Musician "Ieiri Leo" Starts Her Debut at 17th Age

Three man unit SONAR POCKET on the 24th on their nation wide tour "SONAR POCKET Izumu vol.3" announced...

SONAR POCKET Performs At the Nippon Budoukan For the 1st Time

On the last day of AKB48’s concert at Saitama Super Arena, it was announced that they will hold the...

AKB48 Announces 4th Senbatsu Election

Dir en Grey announced the release of 2 Blue-rays and DVDs. The first one is titled “TOUR 2011 AGE...

Dir en Grey will Release Two DVDs This Summer

"Its four members had designer-punk haircuts, glittery asymmetrical clothes and spotlight-ready moves",...

L'Arc~en~Ciel's Debut at Madison Square Garden

The PV of 7th Trigger by UVERworld. 7th Trigger is their 21st single which is released on 28th...

UVERworld - 7th Trigger

SCANDAL perform at Ontama brings two songs. It is their 11th single "LOVE SURVIVE". The other one...

SCANDAL Live Perfomance at Ontama Carnival 2012

On March 25th, AKB48 member Atsuko Maeda made the shocking announcement that she will be graduating...

AKB48's Atsuko Maeda Blogs About Her Graduation From The Group

SCANDAL. Haruna, Tomomi, Mami and Rina was went to an Asia Tour on 2011. This video is a documentation...

SCANDAL Asia Tour 2011 Video Documentation

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